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If you’re reading this, you’ve probably just stepped into the wonderful world of smart home integrations and technology. Smart home tech is fantastic. Compared to other home upgrades, a smart enabled piece of technology is usually very cost effective and focused on making a quality-of-life improvement. Some of the most popular pieces of smart home tech are well known, and you may have developed a preference for a particular brand already. But there are other smart home integrations that you could consider. Because the level of effort varies (and so does the price) it can be a good idea to consider what your ideal smart home would look like and what functions it would perform, and then prioritize those so you have a plan.


If You Want Smart Home Technology For Energy Efficiency

If you’re considering smart home technology because you want the benefits of a more energy efficient house, then you’re in the right place. Many companies have created systems where the main benefit is to create a lower power draw, or to make technology that uses whatever power there is in a more intelligent fashion.

For example, let’s talk about smart thermostats. There are different models available, but the top end models have AI integration that learns your habits. This is a key feature because it will automatically adjust your home thermostat to temperatures that reflect your actual usage. So if your house normally remains empty from 7:00 – 5:00 Monday through Friday while everyone attends school or goes to work, then it makes no sense to heat or cool that home. Your smart thermostat will learn your behavior by tracking your phone and adjust accordingly. Of course a normal programmable thermostat can do the same thing, but those functions are very rarely used. People don’t like complicated tools.

There are other devices you might consider for energy efficiency, such as smart appliances. You might consider some of the countertop kitchen appliances like toaster ovens that are capable of cooking almost any meal for a family dinner, yet use only a fraction of the energy of your stovetop and oven. Laundry machines, like washers and dryers, have become smarter too. They not only use less energy that older models, but often will use less water. Smart water heaters let you adjust temperature in a more granular manner and set vacation mode from your phone.

And finally, think about smart lighting as a big upgrade. Being able to turn lights on and off from your phone, schedule lights out, and other neat functions all can save you energy and money on your monthly bill.

Consider any of these upgrades if you’re interested in smart home technology to save energy.


If You Want Smart Home Technology For Convenience

Sometimes, you just want an upgrade to your lifestyle, and it has nothing to do with the expense or energy savings. There is a plethora of options here. Some of them are just for fun, some are cool and some really become impossible to live without once you’ve tried it.

You might consider a smart garage door opener as a nice upgrade. How many times have we left the garage door open at night or when leaving for work? Instead of worrying about it, just check the app on your phone to see if it’s open. If it is, tap the button and watch it close. Easy as pie. You can do the same thing with smart lock upgrades on all of your doors.

Whole house smart lighting installations are a good idea for anyone who hates going room to room to turn off all the light switches. Tell me if this sounds familiar. You’re getting the family together to go out to Grandma’s house. And you run through the house turning off all the lights. You get in the car and you’re pulling out and look up to see a light on the second floor is on. Someone turned it on after your turned it off! So now you either grind your teeth and head off to Grandma’s house anyway, or you stop the car, race inside and run up the stairs to switch off the one light. Wouldn’t it just be grand if your partner riding in the passenger seat could just open the app from their phone and hit a button as you leave, and all lights turn off automatically?

If you want a more convenient lifestyle, focus on these upgrades first.


Smart Home Upgrades for Security

For the safety conscious, secure homes are happy homes. I won’t go over some of the obvious options, like the security suites that are built to be smart from the ground up. And I’ve mentioned a few already, like adding smart locks.

But what about smart cameras? There are a hundred options out there. The key things to look for are image quality, storage options, battery life, and ease of installation. Many of the major players have become popular, but other startups are quickly becoming entering the space with high quality and low prices. The lower price allows for more coverage, and more coverage means more security. Smart doorbells are also not only convenient but a major security feature, as anyone who has been the victim of package theft can attest to, and there are many affordable models to consider.

Other security concerns are more mundane. Some of the appliances in our homes have their own dangers. Smart carbon monoxide detectors and fire alarms have distinct advantages over traditional plug-in models and enhance your home safety considerably. They’ll test themselves, warn you when the battery is low, and send detailed diagnostic information to your phone when an alarm sounds. You may consider some of the water shutoff detectors as well. This is a pricier upgrade when you factor in the cost of installation, but if you have a major leak in your home this device will detect it and shut off the water. This can save thousands of dollars and a huge cleanup in the event you have a break somewhere in the line. It also doesn’t need to be said that a water break in the home can be dangerous as well, depending on where that break occurs.

If security and safety is a top concern, any of these upgrades should make it onto your priority list.


Something For Everyone

Smart home tech is becoming more and more common, and it’s getting better and cheaper too. If you want to upgrade your home, any of the options we’ve discussed can be a giant value add to your property in the event of a resale. But it’s also just plain cool and a nice upgrade to your quality of life.