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People dream about having a perfect lawn, well-cut grass, and a fresh feeling when they sit in their lawn. But, they may not consider some serious yard work that goes into maintaining a lawn. Thanks to modern ways you have easy access to equipment that can take the edge off your work.

There are many lawn mowers available in the market like push mowers, electric, rotary, robotic, etc.  There are also customized and self-propelled lawn mowers if you do not like large, heavy ride-on mowers.

If you are new to the lawn care and wondering how to cut grass and manage your garden or backyard, keep reading.

Here are a few steps to keep in mind while mowing your yard:-

  • Mow your lawn– Put your mower on the highest setting for your grass type and only cut 1/3rd of the grass length at one time. Even if you have to mow again after a few days. The reason for this is long grassroots can help create a deeper root system. That makes it easier for the grass to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. If you run your lawn harshly you are creating space for weeds to enter.


  • Cut the lawn dry- The best time for cutting your grass is the evening. There is no point in mowing when the day is rising and the grass is taking in the sun to grow. The grass is usually dry in the evening and has plenty of time to recover for the next afternoon. Lawns are wet in the morning due to fog or mist. If it’s rainy season wait till your grass is completely dry otherwise it will end up in an uneven trim. A wet garden can also clog your mower and can cause it to dump clumps of grass on the area and have brown spots around.


  • Change mowing patterns- If you always mow in one direction, it is time to change. Your grass learns the cutting direction and it leans into that very direction. If you change patterns it will prevent any rugs and lumps in the lawn. The grass will be tall and fresh-looking also.


  • Don’t stick to a schedule- Do not stick to a schedule when it comes to mowing your lawn. If it looks like your lawn needs some attention, it probably does. Keep an eye on it and mow as often as your garden needs it. Growth is also affected by seasons. Your grass might need more mowing in spring and less in summers.


  • Give time to a new lawn- After planting grass seeds, take a few weeks off. Let the new grass grow about 3” tall before cutting. If you are too quick to start mowing it might also cut grass seedlings. Let them develop their roots and reach a good height for the first time. Do not cut more than ⅓ of the blade grass or it can damage your lawn. Dramatic cutting can shock and stress the plants. When mowing a new lawn wait for at least 3 weeks, giving the seed time to develop in the soil.


  • Leave the clippings– Grass clipping can be very helpful for the soil. They break down easily and provide essential nutrients to the soil. If you remove too many grass clippings it may shock the grass and they won’t aid the soil later. You can even use these as compost and collect later to add to your plants or soil.


  • Sharpen your blades– At the first sign of wear, go ahead and sharpen your mower blades. Sluggish blades may leave brown and uneven spots in your lawn. Using dull blades for a longer period may weaken your grass. Sharpened blades make the mower work efficiently, provide clean cuts, and do not bog.

Grass cutting tips

  • Never cut more than one-third length of the grass.


  • Every run up with your lawnmower on the lawn should overlap the last run. You can do that by making a mark on your lawnmower as an overlap marker.


  • If you want straight cut grass on a large lawn, start with mowing in a straight line in the middle of the lawn. Then mow on either side of that patch.


  • If your mower comes with a roller change option, change them at least once a month.


  • If your mower has four wheels, try overlapping at every run so the wheels do not go at the same place all the time. Repeated grass cutting around the same track can result in ruts.


  • If you have wet grass, try slowing down your speed and not the blade speed.


  • If you are mowing at edges and muddy areas use a higher setting than your usual settings for a better result.


Getting a beautiful lawn isn’t so hard. You do not have to invest a lot of money and do not need a lot of experience as well. Get a mower that suits your needs and you can have a lawn worth boasting about!


Feature image: https://www.peakpx.com/121977/green-lawn-field