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During the search for a new home in Florida, there are many things to consider. It is a new beginning for everyone, regardless if we are talking about family relocations, moving after retirement, or moving out of the parent’s home. In each case, you will look for the best option and the most profitable one, too. However, over the years, we noticed one dilemma that stands out, building vs buying a house in Florida. At this point, we will try to help you make the best decision for your future.


The more profitable option


Costs of building a house in Florida

If you are about to build your new home, one of the most important things to consider is your budget. You should have a clear picture of how much money you will need for the house you want. That is why making thorough calculations before making any steps is crucial.

Building a house is not only about getting the appropriate material. There are several steps you need to go through before you even start building.

  • First of all, you should find and buy land on which you will build your house. The prices of land vary. Apart from everything else, the location has a huge influence on the land cost.
  • Once you have found the land there comes another task- land preparation. It is significant to make the area suitable for building. That means some land improvements, excavations, and paying fees.
  • The choice of builder and house design is what comes next. You will need to invest money in drawing your house plan, getting the required permits, and doing all the safety inspections.
  • Finally, there comes the construction part. Prices of building materials change and rise as time goes by. Still, rough estimations tell us that to build the exterior construction of an average house, you will need to prepare more than 30% of the overall building budget.
  • When all the exterior works are done you can focus on the interior. That would be the last point on your building budget list.

A brown and gray house next to a road. Building a house based on your taste is what makes you resolve the building vs buying a house in Florida dilemma.

 Invest your money into something good.


Costs of buying a house in Florida

If you want to determine whether to buy a house in Florida, then a little research on the average prices is what you need. First of all, define which part of Florida you are interested in. As you may guess, the closer you are to the coast, the higher the property prices are. Even though the prices go down if you are looking for homes inland, the average home price in Florida goes around $410,000.

Another criterion for defining the house’s value is its size and, of course, the condition of the house is in. With the help of an appropriate real estate agent, it is possible to make some real bargains. You can never know when you’ll come across a fast-sale house. And, in most cases, even though you need to invest some money in house reparation, buying a house is usually a cheaper option than building. At its point in the building vs buying a house in Florida competition, buying wins.

What you need to focus your attention on, as well, is finding reliable moving help. When it comes to residential relocations, you should think about engaging experts to help you make your move fast and effective.


Building vs Buying a House in Florida- good and bad sides


Advantages of Building

One of the biggest advantages of building a new home is that you get the chance to create a house based on your taste. You will choose the layout of the rooms, the number of windows, the type of floors, and the colors. And, for many people, this idea of creating their realm is a feeling that doesn’t have a price.

On the other hand, once you start building a new home, you know precisely what material you have used to create it. Nowadays, it is possible to find high-quality materials for roofs, walls, and flooring. They will build up solid construction that will last for a long time. What’s more, those are usually energy-efficient materials that will save you considerable money in the long run.

A woman is sitting in front of her computer, working.

Plan your home in detail.

Disadvantages of Building

Building a house is not something everyone can do. If you decide to make this huge step, get ready for a lot of patience, hard work, and hard decisions.

The first problem you will meet is buying the appropriate land for building your house. Same as you can have trouble finding a house to buy, you may have a problem finding available space to build it. It should be in a good location and satisfy all your requirements.

Another disadvantage is the average time you will need to complete the building process. And as the experts from Pro Movers Miami suggest, the moving-in process requires some time too. The approximate time you’ll need to build a house is about seven months. However, this is only when the building conditions are perfect. You can always expect some injuries, bad weather conditions, or other things you cannot control.

Finally, we should not forget that all along the way, until your house is fully built and ready for moving in, you need to have another living option. That means paying for two homes at the same time, which is not so financially acceptable.


Advantages of Buying

If your idea is quick and as soon possible relocation to a new home, buying a house is exactly what you need. Once you select houses on your list, you and your agent pay several visits to each of them, and you are ready to make a choice. The role of an agent is crucial here. Only if you have a reliable one by your side, you’ll know what you are dealing with. However, even if, after some time, you come across some things you would like to change, you can always rebuild the house and make all the changes you want.

On the other hand, depending on the situation in the real estate market, it is always possible to negotiate on the price to get the real bargain.


Disadvantages of Buying

However, the options that a real estate market in Florida offers are not always what you may expect. Even if you have enough money for a solid and beautiful house, sometimes it happens that it isn’t possible to find the one from your dreams. If renovating will take too much money, you may consider building a new one that will suit you perfectly well.

A man is painting a wall

Consider all the aspects of building vs buying a house in Florida.


So those were some of the main points of the building vs buying a house in Florida struggle. Now it’s up to you to make a decision. Let it be a good one.