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There are so many different kinds of flooring in modern houses. The variety is unlimited. From marble to hardwood, and from lamination to vinyl tile, every type of floor has a distinctive look. However, what’s common amongst them is the fact that all of them always feel cold.


During the winter, stepping on the hard and smooth floor simply leads to a cold chill going down the spine. And, if you don’t have a centrally heated system in your house or apartment, you will always have to endure the frozen floor.


However, while staying within a reasonable budget and not splurging too much, you can add some much-needed warmth to any house by adding an area rug. The warm texture of rugs and carpets is a great way of adding some pattern to the room while making it appear cozier.


Let’s look at some top ways to style a rug to add warmth, but keep your home looking fabulous:



1.   Choose Smaller Prints


When choosing a rug for your home, there’s a technical point you should be aware of. No matter how enchanting a large print on a rug appears from afar, never opt for them for your house if you want your rooms to feel cozy. This is because huge patterns exude the aura of distance and space, making the room feel more open. If you want a cozy feel, to showcase warmth through the decor, find a smaller print size.


Finding rugs with small prints is not that tough. For instance, the Teppe collection is a great choice to look into. Their neutral-themed prints exude comfort. Even at the first glance, they will appear attractive and a must-have product.


2.   Color Selection Is Important


You can’t just randomly go to the market and choose the first rug you set your eyes on. Rather, you need to be really strategic regarding the color you choose. The color of the rug has a great impact on the aura it creates when it is placed in your home.


If your room is already small, you need to opt for lighter pastel colors. Delicate prints carved on a light-colored base are a great choice to have when you want the whole space to appear cozy.


On the other hand, if you have a massive room but you want to make it appear more shrunken and cozy, you should opt for a rug that’s dark in color. It would change the entire vibe of the space you place it in and make it feel more homely.


Contrasting is a great option, too. In a room that has a dark, wooden floor, simply add a rug of lighter color. This will create a pleasant-looking contrast, adding to the warmth it exudes.


3.   Thick Rugs Help In Noise Dampening


A comfortable home is not just cozy with warmth but is one that is free of all kinds of irritating noises too. A lot of more open spaces tend to make the sound echo. Even if you clap or laugh, the sound augments to such a level that you can feel like you are too distanced from your house guests, even if you are on the next chair along. It is surely annoying that whatever you say gets bounced off the surface.


The best way to reduce this echo and noise is by adding rugs on the hard floor surface. If your floor is made of wood or laminate, the issue of echo would surely be there. This is when adding a rug, or a couple of them gives comfort to those living in the house.


Thick rugs tend to absorb sound efficiently. They don’t let it bounce around the room, back and forth. This is why having rugs in the house is a great idea. It doesn’t only make it appear elegant but also lets you live peacefully without the noise circulating all around you.


4.   A Persian Rug For Elegance And Comfort


Persian rugs ooze luxury! If you have the budget to buy one of them, have it placed right in the middle of your living room. These rugs are rich in design, adding elegance and grace to the entire space.


In case you have a home that is designed and decorated conservatively, adding a Persian rug would be a good choice. It would match well with the overall vibe of your house. Even if you have a modern or contemporary house, go for the minimalistic decor but add the Persian rug to the room for a warm and cozy finishing touch.


5.   Comfort With Safety


If you are living in a rental space, you may have encountered the problem of chipped floors. Untidy and messy floors are difficult to clean. This is when concealing them with rugs brings comfort to those living in such spaces.


Even if it’s your own home and the flooring is messed up, redoing the entire floor may not be an option for you. This is because it’s an expensive idea, which may require a lot of time. The best way out, in this situation, is to have a rug to cover the damage.


These rugs will also keep the floor safe from getting further ruined.

Copyright: TRichardMc on Pixabay I License: CC0 Public Domain


Summing It Up

In a nutshell, having the right kinds of rugs in the house adds to the comfort and warmth that it exudes. It makes the house appear comfy and welcoming. However, make sure to choose the right color, pattern, and texture for the rugs!


Feature Image Credit:
Copyright: JamesDeMers on Pixabay I License: CC0 Public Domain