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When was the last time you made some significant changes in your home? New curtains and pillows do not count. It has probably been a while. The thing is, every significant change can be a bit risky and unpredictable. You never know if you will be able to recreate that exact style you imagined in your mind, what kind of compromise you will have to make, and so on. So it seems more comfortable just to leave everything as it is. For all of you who have been thinking like that for years, we have prepared several creative ideas that can be applied in any home. Each of them can be upgraded and customized to suit the style of your home interior, so dare to experiment a bit, but first, let’s check out our recommendations.

1. Transform Your Attic



The attic is one part of our home that we usually tend to neglect. It is all dusty and full of stuff we no longer use, but what if we gave you an idea to transform it into the coziest corner of your home? Pillow rooms are becoming popular, and that is exactly what you should do with your attic. Clean it, add a big TV, and arrange loads of fluffy pillows to create a comfortable nest where you can watch movies with the entire family.

2. Install a Vertical Garden

Adding flowers and greens is always a great way to enhance your space and add a dash of those urban jungle vibes to your home. You can find an empty corner in your home, or even transform the entire wall by covering it with pots and greenery. You can either opt for seasonal flowers or year-round leafy greens, just make sure to water them regularly.

3. Use the Space Under the Stairs

Many people who have stairs in their house are not aware of their potential. And those who are aware usually decide to close the space underneath and turn it into storage. That is great, but we have a better idea; you can turn it into a bookshelf where you can arrange your books by color or size and get a more visually interesting solution. Also, install new custom metal railings or visit www.creativemetalmd.com – Creative Metals, to get inspired.

4. Install a Hammock in Your Living Room



Although hammocks are usually found outdoors, recently, more and more people decide to install their favorite piece of outdoor furniture inside. This can give a completely new look to any room because there is something romantic and nostalgic about hammocks. Add a few throw pillows around it, a fluffy carpet, and you will get a perfect relaxing zone to chill. Depending on your preferences, you can make it look more tropical, boho, vintage, etc.

5. Add a Chalkboard Wall

Chalkboard walls are particularly popular for kitchens. You can write down some of your favorite recipes or your grocery shopping list. Kids also love them for doodling, but if you are creative, you can even paint an entire wall in your living room with chalkboard paint and draw a large mural or let your friends leave you personal notes. It is fun, but the best part is that whenever you are bored with the current design, you can just erase it and do something new.

6. Magnetic Walls

Magnetic walls are not so common, but because they are so convenient, more and more people are willing to install them. You might think that they are primarily used in kitchens, but people also install them in hallways and living rooms, because they can carry even some bulkier items such as shelves. So no, these are not made just to help you store your ever-growing collection of travel magnets. If you have multiple metal picture frames, you can now rearrange them on the wall without drilling and making a mess.

7. Install a Sunroof

Our last suggestion for today requires a bit more remodeling and hard work, but trust us; it is worth it. You will be surprised how your space can be transformed by natural light. But not just during the day, because when the night falls, you can enjoy a view over a starry sky above you. If possible, place it strategically above your lounge or sitting area.

Why are Home Improvements Good?

Now and then, it is good to spice things up a bit and step outside of our comfort zone by changing our living environment. We sometimes get so used to our space and its flaws that we do not see how easily we could improve it. You do not need to be an interior design expert or to understand the rules of Feng Shui. You should follow your intuition, and adapt every idea in a way that suits your home the best, and as a result, the space you live in will be transformed.